Our mission is to empower indigenous communities through sustainable education by providing educational opportunities, building meaningful relationships and bringing hope to the marginalized and underserved.
KOLTAEL (kōl-tī-əl) is an indigenous Mayan word that means to help or to save.
In the native Mayan language of Tzotzil the word ‘koltael’ means to help, save or liberate. One word can have multiple meanings in the Mayan tongue, and all three of these definitions emphasize the power of the word ‘koltael’.
The reason we chose this word or name to represent this great work we are doing is because we aspire to help others that have been oppressed, to save them from the chains of ignorance, and to liberate them from the bonds of poverty.
A rising sun can be seen above the name in our logo, representing the importance that light has on all life.
The color yellow represents that light, as light is what gives life to everything around us. Just as light gives life, so does education. Education is the answer to helping others rise out of poverty.
The five rays of light coming off the sun represent the five fingers of the hand. We can use our hands to lift and serve others.
The triangles rays of light are stylized to represent the native indigenous cultures which have oppressed and denied opportunities from modern society.
“if you will give of your own to the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then shall your light dawn amid darkness and your night become as the noonday.”
Isaiah 58: 10