Join us in Los Chorros, Chiapas, Mexico

Spend 7 days and 6 nights in the beautiful mountains of tropical southern Mexico working with locals to build a new school for the community of Los Chorros.

Koltael San Pedro Project

About this Expedition

Project Overview

This humanitarian expedition, from December 4-11, 2023 to Chiapas, Mexico, is to help build a new high school facility in the indigenous community of San Pedro Pedernal. Local parents and leaders have committed to investing time and labor to the success of this project. It will service over 125 students in the surrounding area, with some of them walking up to 3 hours one way to attend school.

Travel Dates

Attendees should plan on arriving at the Tuxtla, Mexico Airport (TGZ) by 8:00pm on December 4 and will depart from the same airport on December 11. Extra day stays are available for more time to see local sites at attendees’ expense. 


The trip fee includes:

  • Transportation to and from Tuxtla airport to hotel

  • Hotel accommodations in San Cristobal de las Casas

  • Daily transportation to and from worksite

  • 6 nights of hotel accommodations

  • All meals


There will be 4 days of working on the construction project and 2 day of tourism to see local attractions. The December 4 and 11 are considered travel days, December 5-8 will be the working days. Each day attendees will depart from their hotel in San Cristobal to and from the worksite by passenger vans, approximately 1.5 hours each way. Attendees will have breakfast in the hotel before departing, lunch will be provided on the work site, and dinner in the evenings in the amazing old town of San Cristobal. 

Payment & Cost

The attendance fee is $2395 per person plus airfare, double occupancy (single occupancy hotel rooms available for an extra fee). 50% non-refundable deposit due August 15th, balance of fee and flight itinerary due November 1st. $1,000 of your trip fee will go directly towards the project construction. 

Adults 18 and up are welcome to attend, kids 14+ with a parent or legal guardian.

Waitlist for December 2023

If you would like to reserve a spot on the December 2023 Expedition Trip, please enter your information here. Full details of the December trip will be available mid-summer 2023. Thank you.